How to save money by decluttering your life

How to save money by decluttering your life

Changing habits can be a difficult thing, especially when they’ve been developed over a lifetime. We often put ourselves under enormous pressure to make quick, drastic changes that we believe will better our lives. However, it’s sometimes the gradual shifts that have the biggest impact.

There are many benefits to decluttering your life, one of the biggest being the impact on your mental wellbeing. Getting rid of any unnecessary objects offers a sense of satisfaction – helping you feel in control. Yet one of the main unspoken benefits of decluttering your life is the impact on your finances – and this blog will explore just that.

We’ll discuss the best ways to save money by decluttering your life. We’ll give you advice and tips for clever ways to save money and take control of your finances. Whether you’re looking for easy ways to save money or to revolutionise your life – this is the blog for you.

Sell your old clothes

Many of us love to hoard our clothes. The harsh reality is that there’s always room for improvement even if you claim to be sartorially savvy. If you’ve heard yourself saying “I’ll save that for when the weather gets better” or “That’s handy for another special occasion”, then chances are you’ll never wear it again. If this sounds all too familiar, it’s time to take control.

There are many ways to declutter your wardrobe, but why not boost your bank account and save money in the process? Shedding unnecessary clothing is a great way to get more cash while cleansing your mind, so here are a few easy ways to do just that. You can get more cash at a Representative 96.2% APR (variable) with Drafty.

Sell online

There are plenty of apps and websites that make it easy to sell your old clothes online in a hurry. Simply upload photos of your items, write a brief description, choose a price and away you go. All you need to do is ensure your clothes are clean and send them to their new owner – it’s that simple.

Top tip: choose a high-quality camera to take photos of your clothing. The better the photo, the more likely you are to receive a higher price for your items.

Car boot sale

Car boot sales – you either love them or hate them. But knock them all you might, they’re an easy way to make and save money. Here are 7 easy steps to sell your clothes at a car boot sale.

  1. Find out when our next local car boot sale is taking place and book your spot
  2. Gather, clean and iron your clothes, ready for selling
  3. Pack a clothes rail, table and hangers to display your clothes
  4. Create labels and banners to catch your buyer’s attention
  5. Once you’re there, display all your clothes so they’re easy to see
  6. Organise your takings so you can see how much you’ve made
  7. Bank your cash

Declutter your home

Looking for advice on how to declutter your home and save some money in the process? We’ve got just the thing for you. When our homes are cluttered and full of useless belongings, it can be hard to find what you’re looking for. This often leads to unnecessary spending as you buy a new product because you can’t find your old one.

Going through your belongings and decluttering your home is not only therapeutic but also a savvy way to save money. Whether you sell your redundant items or simply throw them away, decluttering your life will help boost your bank in the long run.

When exploring how to declutter your home, you might find it useful to get on top of your organisation. Storing things intelligently will stop you from unnecessarily spending on items you already own because you know exactly where they are. If there is stuff you want to keep hold of but don’t want on show, consider installing some fitted units.

Built-in storage is brilliant for decluttering your life, but it can be an expensive outlay. Consider a line of credit like Drafty to boost your cash flow and cover the initial costs.

Declutter your bank account

We’re all in the same boat. With subscriptions and unknown transactions cluttering our accounts every month, it’s hard to keep on top of them. And, when companies make it so difficult to unsubscribe from their monthly payments, it feels like more effort than it’s worth. However, these small amounts add up each month and you could be leaving yourself out of pocket.

So, it’s time to declutter your bank account – a clever way to save money fast. Get a printout of your bank statement, grab a pen and highlight the transactions that you don’t recognise or don’t want to pay for. Once you’ve done this, go through your list and unsubscribe or stop the payments you no longer wish to make – an easy way to save money.

Cupboard declutter and meal plan

Our final recommendation is to declutter your cupboards and create a meal plan for the week. With kitchen cupboards piled full of tins and packets, it’s hard to see what you’ve got in there. So, set to and declutter your kitchen ready for the week ahead, clocking the food you already have and therefore don’t need to purchase in the coming weeks – this is an easy way to save money and stop unnecessary spending.

Another clever way to save money is to meal plan. Now you know the ingredients you’ve got to work with, it’s time to meal plan. Use the food you’ve got in the house as the basis of your meals for the week. Planning gives you a set list of ingredients to purchase from the shops, limiting the chance of going overboard.

Declutter your life and stay in control of your finances with Drafty

Need a cash flow boost to help declutter your life? Visit Drafty to find out how we can facilitate your needs.

Disclaimer: We are not providing financial advice, these are just tips for informational purposes. Also, we are not affiliated to any of the external parties, these links are provided for reference only.