DIY Gift Ideas to Save You Money

DIY Gift Ideas to Save You Money

The rising cost of living has left everyone tightening their purse-strings. With energy bills, petrol prices and other costs increasing rapidly, people are turning to alternative ways to save money.

There is an unwritten expectation for people to exchange gifts on special occasions. With many public holidays, birthdays and other celebrations for which to cater over the course of a year, it can be hard to keep up with the demand and cost. Expectations can feel high, so it’s easy to get carried away and spend much more than you intended. However, what if there was a way to give your friends and family a brilliant gift and save money at the same time?

The COVID-19 pandemic saw people furloughed or working from home, offering more time to take up hobbies and do the things that we love. As people began to upskill in areas they’d never explored before, the number DIY projects being started shot up. Whether you’ve had a few years to become a DIY master or it’s your first attempt, here are some easy DIY gift ideas to save you money.

Everything-in-a-Jar Gifts

Everything-in-a-jar gifts are the perfect way to incorporate your favourite person’s favourite things. You could collect their best-loved sweets and stack them in a jar. Take things one step further by personalising the jar for your recipient – get a large label and address them whilst creating a colourful eye-catching pattern. If sweets aren’t their thing, fill the jar with cosmetics such as cotton buds, hair bobbles and other handy items. Not only will your present look good but it’ll be immensely practical, too.

Get Knitting

Knitting isn’t everyone’s strong suit. However, if you have a talent and passion for the hobby, it makes sense to use it as a way to save money! Knitting an item of clothing is a thoughtful gesture sure to make the recipient feel warm from the outside in.

If you’re looking for a gift for a newborn baby or mother, knitting a blanket is a precious gift like no other. You could knit a patchwork pattern using their favourite colours or even incorporate their name into the design. A soft knitted blanket keeps a child warm and also acts as comfort.

Build a Hamper

Hampers are brilliant gifts that you can make as cheap or expensive as you’d like. All that you need to do is to get a basket, box or bag of your choice and fill it with the recipients’ favourite things. If you present it nicely, it’ll look like a luxury gift without breaking the bank.

If you’re struggling with DIY gift ideas to include in your hamper, consider the following:

  • Confectionery
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Bath products
  • Photos
  • A card
  • Savoury snacks
  • Books
  • Vouchers
  • Puzzles


Flowers are a guaranteed crowd-pleaser. The smell of fresh flowers, whether they’re for the inside or outside of your home, is luscious. If you’re looking for a thoughtful DIY gift idea that doesn’t cost the earth, consider using flowers from your garden to create a beautiful arrangement. You could put together a bespoke hanging or window-basket for the garden – a wonderful gift for new homeowners.

If you’ve got some extra time on your hands, why not create an information booklet? You could write out care instructions for each flower that you’ve planted, helping the recipient to become the best flower parent around.

Bake, bake, bake!

There’s nothing quite like the smell of fresh baking so share the love and treat your loved ones to a delectable birthday treat. Baking is a brilliant pastime to share with your family so, while you’re cooking up a storm in the kitchen, consider putting your culinary skills to the test. If you know their favourite flavours, make them a cake personal to them. Not only will you be providing a yummy gift for the recipient but it’ll be something that other family and friends can enjoy together.

If you’re on your savings journey but need a cash boost to help tide you over in the interim, visit Drafty today.

Disclaimer: We are not providing financial advice, these are just tips for informational purposes.